Christmas Delivery 2021 is DONE!

December 13, 2021


We got it done with a lot of help & understanding from our friends. We got started on time which is always a good thing. We delivered from 10am to 7:30pm.

Rick did a good job laying out the route, there were a few “oops” moments but we made it through. Most of the families were expecting us & very welcoming. A few were at little less with the program. The kids were AMAZED to have SANTA walk through their door.

We delivered the food boxes, meat cards & PRESENTS! The kids were so excited. This year we had some children that had a variety of challenges. These children had trouble expressing their excitement & joy but you could still tell. The parents were so loving and dedicated to their children – words can not express what it meant for us to meet these families.

Santa Larry & Santa Bob shared duties, Ms. Clause was so sweet with the children. Thank you guys for everything you did – you are awesome. We are so lucky to have you on the team. Santa had a lot of special time & conversations with the kids. Many of the children shared what their dreams are when they grow up. We met a future astronaut, fireman, policeman & chemist among other professional dreamers.

We took several breaks during delivery… which I might add were an adventure in themselves. At one apartment complex Santa was spotted & kids swarmed around him. Some time was taken to visit, listen & ho..ho..ho, it was something to see & experience. Never underestimate the power of kids!

Santa’s sleigh was a great help for keeping things organized & at the ready for delivery. Would have never been able to get this done without it.

Thank you again to everyone who supported us, donated to the cause, adopted families & just followed us during the year. Please go to the photos on Facebook to see the difference you made to these families. They will never know everything that went into this but we do & you do. It is truly what Christmas is all about.

We want to wish you & your families a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS…

Visit our Facebook Page for the photos.

Cruise Safely!
D & D Rockin’ Rods
Family & Friends

D & D Rockin’ Rods Christmas for Kids 2022

We are already planning for NEXT year’s D & D Rockin’ Rods Christmas for Kids… and you are invited to enjoy the fun …. See you soon!

Cruise Safely!!!!

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